Blues Bytes
2024 Artists
Prita Grealy
Interview by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals? Meeting new people, making new connections with audiences and other artists. The vibe of playing to listening audiences that love music and the magic of all that...
Corey Legge
Interview by Bob Gordon What's the best thing about playing festivals? It is a fantastic opportunity to perform to a large number of people from many different parts of the world all in the one place. It’s amazing to see people come together to...
Louis Rebeiro
Interview by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals? What I love most about playing at festivals is the combination of energy and connection. The excitement of performing in an amazing location with a large,...
Owen Campbell
Interview by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals? The noise, anticipation, human electricity, the feeling you’re in the right place at the right time and the gods are with you! Do you have a Blues at Bridgetown experience that...
Kiera Jas
Interview by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals? I love how every festival has its own community and culture, and every audience member is so committed to immersing in their favourite artists as well as discovering new ones!...
Siobhan Cotchin
Interview by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals? The atmosphere is always such a great vibe, I love playing to festival crowds because it’s always such an eclectic mix of people. I also love how many bands and artists are on a...
Pat Tierney
Story by Bob Gordon Maroochydore singer/songwriter Pat Tierney has not yet experienced Blues at Bridgetown but he plans to go all in when he performs at the festival on the weekend of November 8-10. “This will be my first Blues at Bridgetown...
Rochelle O’Reilly
Interview by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals? The palpable anticipation and excitement through the gathering of people from all walks of life wanting to be inspired and lifted by original music. I thrive on the bigger stage...
The Floors
THE FLOORS Interview with Luke Dux (vocals/guitar) by Bob Gordon What’s the best thing about playing festivals?Playing music outside is like pissing under the stars, it feels good. Unless you’re playing on an inside stage, then use a toilet. Do you...