Interview by Bob Gordon
What’s the best thing about playing festivals?
The noise, anticipation, human electricity, the feeling you’re in the right place at the right time and the gods are with you!
Do you have a Blues at Bridgetown experience that you’d like to share, either performing or as an audience member?
I’ve never been, but it’s gonna be great. I can smell it!
Where do you feel you fit in musically along the blues and roots scale?
It’s rock’n’roll!
What have been the highlights of your music career thus far?
Touring the US and Europe, some stellar moments in there!
What have you been mainly focussing on in 2024 and how is it coming along?
My children, they’re coming along like little raging bulls! Breaking everything in their path.
What are your plans and hopes for 2025?
New album, new adventures. Less war and better surf.
What can folks expect from your performances at Blues at Bridgetown?
A little bit of thunder and lightning, good grooves and magnificent hair!