Interview by Bob Gordon
What’s the best thing about playing festivals?
The atmosphere is always such a great vibe, I love playing to festival crowds because it’s always such an eclectic mix of people. I also love how many bands and artists are on a festival bill, so much music to see!
Do you have a Blues at Bridgetown experience that you’d like to share, either performing or as an audience member?
I’ve actually never been to Blues at Bridgetown so I’m super excited to be part of the festival, not only as a performer but also an audience member.
Where do you feel you fit in musically along the blues and roots scale?
I feel like I fit more along the roots side of the scale because of the natural twang my music has. But I might have to blues it up a little more just for the occasion!
What have been the highlights of your music career thus far?
Going on tour with Matchbox 20 and Goo Goo Dolls was definitely the ultimate highlight, I got to play arenas all around Australia and live my rockstar life. Honestly, getting to play any show is an absolute blast and I’m so grateful I get to do what I do. I’ve also been recording some new music that I can’t wait to share, that already feels like a highlight.
What have you been mainly focussing on in 2024 and how is it coming along?
I’ve taken a bit of a step back from playing shows so I can really focus on writing and recording new music. I’ve been working hard to make sure the next release is 100% and everything I want.
What are your plans and hopes for 2025?
I just want to keep doing what I’m doing: playing shows, writing songs and recording them. I would love to go on tour again, I’m low-key manifesting another arena tour!
What can folks expect from your performances at Blues at Bridgetown?
Expect a rollercoaster of emotions through my songs, a lot of oversharing but also passion and energy. My live show and music is basically if Courtney Love and Sheryl Crow had a baby!